This color Phoenix Tattoo is a great example of creating added detail and dimension with use of color.

Canman had a great time designing this Phoenix Tattoo.

In addition, It was a fun challenge to design a unique twist to a very common theme.

To see other great example of color tattoos, go to our gallery page

Everybody is familiar with the idea of Phoenix symbolism – a bird that rises from the aftermath of fire from its ashes.

It symbolizes rebirth and eternity and is also representative of hope. 

The phoenix meaning symbolism in almost every culture around the world.

The phoenix is truly a very unique bird.

It is solitary and can self-regenerate.

In that sense, it is very much like Virgin Mary and hence it has significance in Christianity as well.

What does a phoenix rising from the ashes mean?

A new phoenix rises from the ashes of its dead predecessor. 

This is symbolic of rebirth, hope, renewal, progress, end of oppression, and eternity.

It is no wonder that the beautiful bird has inspired many tales, poems, and even legends. 

Through these legends and literary representations, the phoenix has become a symbol of the renewal of time.

In fact, it has generally become the symbol of any kind of renewal that, with it, brings a period of happiness and good fortune.

As in other cultural representations, the thunderbird of the Native Americans was also a large, red, and colorful bird.

It had very strong wings and when the bird would flap and beat them, it was capable of making it rain and thunder.