A fresh cherub tattoo done in black and Grey.

The angel cherub holds a cross to ward off the devil cherub sneaking behind him.

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About Cherubs

Cherubs are often found in religious and mythological contexts.

They are depicted as celestial beings associated with love, beauty, and innocence.

They are typically portrayed as small, winged infants or children with chubby cheeks.

In addition, often shown playing musical instruments or engaging in other joyful activities.

The concept of cherubs can be found in various cultures and religions throughout history.

In Christianity, cherubs are commonly mentioned in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament.

They are described as angelic beings who serve as attendants to God and are associated with the divine presence.

Cherubs are often depicted as guardians or protectors, as well as messengers or intermediaries between humans and the divine realm.

They are frequently depicted in religious art, such as paintings and sculptures.

Also, often portrayed alongside other angelic beings.

Cherubs in popular culture, such as literature or artwork, may deviate from their traditional religious depictions and take on different representations.

These interpretations may vary depending on the artistic or cultural context in which they are depicted.