This Music poster is designed by Canman for the upcoming high lifestyle show and tattoo arts festival.
This is the foundational design titled ” The Cosmic giggle”.
Canman will add lettering fonts and text once the promoters solidify the line up of musical acts.
Two versions of this poster will be created for social media advertising and for merchandise.
The image is based on an original 4′ x 5′ acrylic painting.
Canman then altered the design digitally using Procreate and Clip studio paint.
The event will be a Gathering of HIGHLY FUNCTIONAL Cannabis Fans.
The event showcases Dispensaries, Growers, Genetics, CBD, Hemp, Accessories.
In addition, Live Tattooing, Artists, Innovators, Influencers and Consumers of the High Life Style.
The festival is a showcase of music, arts and popular culture
About the Cosmic Giggle
The great cosmic joke is that you are what you are seeking.
All the religious and spiritual seeking on this planet and you end up back where you started.
As a result, If that’s not a fantastic joke worth a good belly laugh I don’t know what is.
We all look for happiness, peace and fulfilment in the things of the world, yet all along these things are our very nature – our very own centre of being.
The Buddhists have been onto the joke for a while, their main training is to not take things seriously.
What else is being unattached than a great sense of humour?
Buddha realised that all conditions of the world are temporary and taking any of it too seriously creates suffering.